Smithsonian Kite Festival 2007


So, I've done these pages out of order twice now. Once in iWeb and once in iPhoto-Taco html Edit. I don't know why I did 2008 before 2007 each time. I'm an odd one. Just like the 2008, the 2007 page infuriated me because of my inability to be happy with the standard iWeb layouts. My rudimentary attempts to muck with it, resulted in pages that didn't work. I suppose I could have used Taco HTML and started with the iWeb pages, but they're MUCH more complicated. Maybe later. Teaching myself javascript is not going to be a project for a Sunday night when I should be in bed.

Having said that, I did take this oportunity to play around with Mac's Aperture software. I bought it about a year and a half ago and had yet to do anything with it. Aperture is REALLY helpful to punch up the color some of these pictures.




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Love the flags above. Well, I love the idea of them. I just can’t seem to compose a good photo of the images. I played with the color in all of these pictures except those. They were so vibrant already that there was nothing I could do to them.

So this red and black is one of the coolest kites I’ve ever seen. What else is there to say. It’s this kind of thing that makes me wish I could make one.

The dragon kite below stretched on for ages. There was someone there who talked to me about it since the Chinese guy who made it didn’t speak English. I wish I could remember the specifics. I was told how much he had been able to get up in the air at one time. It was impressive. Even the length you can see is impressive.
